Problem has been going on in EH10 since at least 27th February, is occasionally fixed, and services work for a few hours or minutes, but when it is supposedly fixed the connection is truly awful. I have sent repeated service status reports to virgin (think 30 at last count), have been on phone to them a number of times, they simply repeat the information in the automated message about it being a complex issue and add nothing new to the information.
I have asked now for compensation for the loss/poor connectivity as being dumped out of work teams calls is really not helpful to productivity.
The call I had yesterday with them, on the call the tickets were updated to suggest it will be the 26th of March before the Broadband, phone, and Tv issues are potentially resolved. That's a month. There's a couple of thousand customers in EH10.
I would urge everyone to phone and report, get ticket raised, and get some focus on this as it feels like the "complex" issue that has been going since February is going to just keep moving outward in it's resolution time (and yes I check the service status multiple times daily as this is what has been happening for over 3 weeks now - it moves by a few hours, a day, a few days or in yesterdays case, a week).