on 19-09-2024 09:41
Hi, I'm having issues with my Parental Controls for Boradband, I'm getting blocked by numerous sites saying parental controls are on however when I sign into my Virgin Media account under security options it says the parental controls are off and yet I'm still getting blocked.
on 19-09-2024 09:44
A common problem that has persisted for the last 2 to 3 years.
Set your device or even just the Web Browser to use a Public DNS this will bypass VM Child Safe.
on 22-09-2024 16:06
Hi Paulmc1702 👋 welcome to the community forum! Thanks for posting!
Sorry to hear these concerns about your parental settings concerns. There's a bit more general information about parental controls and web safe (including how to manage these) here 👉 https://www.virginmedia.com/broadband/parental-control
If you can try resetting your hub and let us know if the issues persist, we will be here to offer further guidance and support if needed! To reset it to factory settings, please insert into the 'reset' button on the back of the hub for 60 seconds. It may then take a few minutes to reboot.
Following the reset, if your settings are showing as they should be then it would be good to know - Are there any specific sites this is happening on?
Thanks for your patience in the meantime! Wishing you all the best. 🌞
2 weeks ago
For anyone reading this thread don't waste your time resetting your hub.
The problem is with Virgin Media's back end system: