a month ago
Hi all,
As above hub keeps flashing white then steady white and repeating the process every 5mins or so. We’ve had it flashing blue a few times also. I have checked connections all fine, I have attached screen grabs of connection stats
a month ago
Screen grabs are useless
Do it again this way...
Just copy/paste the normal “Formatted Text” (not images) 3 FULL sets of data onto here – 2 tables from the Downstream, 2 from the Upstream, & the Network Logs pages. Don't worry too much about the formatting it can be easily read & DON’T include personal data or MAC addresses - blank them out - if you copy/paste the data, the board software will do this for you (you may need to click the "submit" button again). If character limits are “exceeded” - just do two posts
a month ago
Screens shots shows two upstream channels at 32 QAM but the rest looks OK.