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Fibre and Media Converter

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Hey all,

So a quick question, i have a fibre vroom business line, and was thinking of moving my fibre connection to my attic  where I have my server cabinet. (re terminating up there)

I have the hitron chita, so my setup is as follows.

The fibre line comes to the connection box outside, jointed to a fibre cable that comes into the house to the Fibre Modem / media converter, then to the hitron, (set to modem mode) then to my draytek, and then on to my switches.

As it stands, I would have to move the modem, and the router upstairs, as the modems output, and routers input is coaxial. Which is fine, but it just bothers me I have a lot of things plugged in before I even have connectivity.

So my question is do virgin do a modem or  media converter, that the fibre connects to with a WAN output, as opposed to coaxial, so that I could do away with the virgin router completely?


Community elder


Alessandro Volta

For Residential customers VM charge only £25 for an engineer to come out on a "no fault call" to move the cables for internet  or TV  services to a different position on your building. 

Contact VM Business and see if a similar option exists. 

Alessandro Volta

But you will always have to use the Hitron modem. 

- jpeg1
My name is NOT Alessandro. That's just a tag Virginmedia sticks on some contributors. Please ignore it.