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Two virgin media accounts, my virgin media app

Tuning in

Hi I have two virgin media broadband packages in my name. One at my parents address which I set up while I was living there and opted to leave it active as they are still there. I've now moved out and got a separate virgin media package for myself. The issue I'm having is that I signed up for my virgin media with the details of the first package and now have no way to access details to my new package or make/add an account on my virgin media. So when I sign in all I see is my parents account details. Is it possible to add an account for my new package? Or even make a new my virgin media account for it? 


Hope this makes sense and any help is appreciated 


Hi @koukos

If you can answer the questions in the PM, I'll sort this out 🙂 

Kind regards,

Forum Team

Need a helpful hand to show you how to make a payment? Check out our guide - How to pay my Virgin Media bill


I am having the same issue.

Can you please help me with it?



Hi april2,

Thank you for reaching out to us in our community and welcome, sorry to hear you have been struggling to use the Virgin Media App due to having 2 accounts, this is something I can help with, I will send you an invite into a private chat, once received please click on the purple envelope to accept.



Hi, I also have two virgin account numbers registered to one virginmedia email address, can you also assist me in being able to view both accounts as you have described in your other replies

Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hey paulfromnotts, 


Thank you for your post and welcome to the forums. 


Absolutely - this is something I can help with. For me to be able to do that I will send you over a private message to confirm some details. 




Joining in

I am having the same exact issue!

Could someone help?

Thanks for your post on our Community Forums @georgevontitsos, and a very warm welcome to you!

Can you please confirm if you've moved your services from a former property to a new property?

Kindest regards,


Hi David,

No it is 2 separate accounts with separate account numbers but I only have access to one of them.

Thanks for confirming this, if you have two separate accounts with two account numbers you will need to set up an online account for each account. Both accounts cannot use the same email address though. Each will have to use a different one.

If you need any further help with this, please let us know.



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The problem is as stated above by another person, when I try to register the second account it says that I am already registered with my email (which is the same email that I have for my first account). When I try to reset password or add another account it just loops me into my first account..

Could someone contact me to resolve this?