a month ago
Not happy today as I had spent an hour or so on the phone negotiating with a foreign-sounding guy on a dodgy line, Obviously speaking with his well-trained virgin media technical lingo, Which somehow stopped him from giving me a straight answer to my simple question. Which was, I signed up to an 18 monthl £35 contract for broadband-only why is my contract now saying £58 and why am I being charged that?? He then went through the process of leaving me on hold for up to 5 minutes at a time, Then telling me we've made a mistake I will change it to £48 then started talking about special discounts of £13, Of which I thought was to bring the total back to £35 like the original contract that I agreed on. I then I asked about this month and getting a refund, Yet again for about the 5th time I was put on hold, He said I'd be credited £24 to my account for next month. So anyway I wait a couple of hours, I then went on to go and check my new contract, It said £48 with no discounts from what I can see, So at this point I thought no way am I bothering to spend another hour or so sorting this out, So I'm done with Virgin, we've got City Fibre in the area their customer base seems quite happy with their different service providers, So I'm gonna cancel my contract and finally jump ship, If only Virgin knew how to respect their longterm customers instead of trying to stitch them up every time it came to a new contract.
a month ago
Hello waynem35uk,
Welcome to the community and thanks for taking the time to post here on the forums. I’m sorry to hear of the issues that you’re having with your package at the moment. I would be happy to take a further look into this for you but first I would need to confirm a few details via private message, please look out for my message and we can get started.
Kind Regards,
3 weeks ago
I did reply to the private message, But you haven't got back to me yet??
3 weeks ago
Hi waynem35uk 👋 Thank you for keeping the public thread updated.
Sadly the community forum is not an instant response platform. We will always do our best to respond as quickly as possible based on staff working hours and availability. My colleague will reply to your PM as soon as they are able to.
Thank you for your patience in the meantime! 🌞