on 24-05-2024 21:33
Good evening. I am having similar issue. I am not getting responses from homemovers team. Could you please help me out as well.
on 25-05-2024 09:08
Hi @Antek1003 👋.
Thanks for reaching out to us and welcome to the Community Forums. Apologies that you are having issues with a home move. Could you please elaborate further into the issues that you are having with your home move so that we can advise and assist more directly.
on 26-05-2024 17:24
I am moving home to an address that is not supported by Virgin. I contacted team via chat and set the disconnection date. I was advised to send an email to homemovers with the proof of the new address, to wave the fee. I initially sent it from the email address linked to my account, but the virgin server was refusing to accept the email from my address (some technical issue). I reached out to virgin team via CHAT and they linked my secondary email address to my account and advised to send email to homemovers from that address, which I did 3 times already, but I am not receiving any confirmation regarding my case. Please let me know if you need any more details
on 27-05-2024 08:27
Hi @Antek1003 👋.
Thanks for reaching out to us, apologies these issues with your home move has not yet been resolved, so that we can assist in this, we would need to bring you in for a private message to discuss this and resolve.
Please look out for the envelope on the top right of your web browser or if you are using a mobile device, it will be located under your profile icon.
on 29-05-2024 11:38
Hi @Antek1003 👋.
Thanks for joining me in a private message, so glad that we got your issue resolved, good luck in your new home, we wish you all the best.