Moving House
I am moving house and have a provisional date of 30th August, which I expect to be confirmed in a few days and am considering my TV & broadband options. I have checked the postcode of my new property but on the VM help>moving home page it says "An engineer will install your services" and "Be online in 7-14 days", however on the VM broadband/postcode-checker page it allows me to select all the services and then takes me to a calendar to select an install date and the lead time is approximately 2 weeks. I also have the option of renewing my contract for £106.59pm instead of the current £133.59pm. So I suppose my questions are:
1) Can I phone to book an engineer to come on a specific date e.g. 2nd September to transfer my services to my new address?
2) Should I go through to renewals and see if I can get a better deal and book an engineer to come to my new property on a specific date, e.g 2nd September?
3) Should I go with EE who have a very similar (discounted) deal priced @ £89.99pm for 24 Months?
Which way would you go?