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Lost discount and minimum period restarted after moving

Tuning in

Hi, I've recently moved to a new address twice - once in April 2023 and again in October 2023. After the first month or two since moving the first time, my bill settled back down to its usual amount of £28.50, comprised of a £62 package and rolling credit of £33.50 for discount. Since moving again in October, my first bill was calculated using the full package total of £73 (assuming this is the new package price since last year's price increase?) meaning I was charged £144 before a £16.66 credit amount which I'm guessing is a pro-rata refund for the incomplete billing month at my previous address. Since then I have been charged £62 each month with no sign of the previous discount that I was getting before.

I've tried to get an answer through the WhatsApp chat a few times and all I'm told is that I have a £73 package with a discount of £11, bringing my total to £62 which I can already see for myself in my bills. I have also been told that the discount I had prior to moving expired when I moved, but no explanation as to why, and that my contract was renewed when I moved in October 2023 despite not making any changes to my package. Additionally I am now within contract until 30/04/2025 and would currently have an early disconnection fee of £932.33 to pay if I wanted to avoid paying a monthly bill that is much higher than I ever agreed to.

Is there any way to correct my monthly bill amount and receive a refund for the last few months where I feel I've paid much more than I should have? Back in April last year when the prices were increasing and I was given the option to leave free of charge, I accepted a small discount on top of what I was already receiving and the email from this states that my contract started 4th October 2022, I had 12 months minimum period remaining, I had discounts of £3 and £27 for 18 months until 3rd April 2024 and an additional discount until 2nd October 2023 (I'm guessing the discount from agreeing to stay when prices increased). What has caused all of this to change when I have not made any changes to my package since?



Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hi cj1803cj,

Thanks for your post and welcome to the community.

Sincere apologies for any issues faced, can we ask during this matter at the point of the transfer did the team advise the discounts would be extended?

When were they due to originally expire?

Let us know,


Hi Kain,

An email from 4/4/23 states that I would receive:

  • £27 discount for 18 months (until 3rd April 2024)
  • £3 discount for 18 months (until 3rd April 2024)
  • Discount (until 2nd October 2023)

Below this, it says my monthly bill amount is £28.50, and it would rise to £32 from 3rd October 2023, and then £62 from 4th April 2024. Also it states here that I have 12 months remaining on my contract at this point.

When transferring to the new address both times I asked why the first payment that they advised was so high and they explained that it includes a month in advance as well as moving fees, and that the bill would settle down to the usual amount after, which it did for the first move but not the second. I was never told that my bill amount would be increased and I would lose any existing discount.


Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Thanks for your prompt response on this matter,

So usually if there hasn't been a new contract agreed then you should carry out the original agreement, was our team on the phone advising of the early disconnection fees?


That was my understanding too. I asked about terminating my services as they could not reduce my bill back down to the amount I should be paying, and I was then told I'm apparently in contract until April 2025 and would have to pay that fee - this was over the WhatsApp chat. So it now seems I'm stuck paying a higher price than I ever agreed to and for much longer than I should be.


Hi cj1803cj, 

Thanks for taking the time to come back to us on this one.

It certainly sounds a little confusing but it sounds as though things were corrected after the first move and now the second move has caused an issue. 

I think it's best if we move in to private message to get some details off you and pass security. From there we can have a proper look at things to help get things resolved for you. 

I have sent you a direct message to allow us to do this with you in a private space. If you are using a PC/Laptop then you can just click on the little ✉ at the top right-hand side of the page to access your inbox. If you are on a mobile/tablet device then instead click on the little circle icon in the top right then select 'Messages'. 😊


Forum Team

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