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long story short - Virgin have placed a default on my credit file. I have two recorded calls where the advisors state I do not owe Virgin any money. I even tried to just pay the amount to settle it but was unable to because again the advisor said I do not owe any money so am unable to pay.

I would like to make a complaint but every time I try to do so using the web form my password is not recognised. I try the ‘forgot my password’ route but I never receive the ‘set new password email’ from Virgin. I wonder if this is because my account is no longer active.

How would you recommend I complain when I am unable to access the web form? I want to do it in writing as I will be taking this further.  


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi there @TSullivan 👋 Welcome to our forum and thanks for your post 😊

Sorry to see that you've got these defaults showing even though the team advised you owed nothing. If your account is no longer active you'd be unable to raise a complaint against it online. However, I'll be happy to help with this from here.

I'll pop you a PM to confirm your details.



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Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

You may also be wise to email your proofs of nothing outstanding, to to get the default removed.

I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media. Learn more

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Thank you Japitts. I have emailed that team and I am in the 21 day process queue. I wanted a complaint to run parallel to that and will be taking this to the ombudsman if not resolved to my satisfaction.


It’s a very clean cut error their behalf, told me I do not owe anything but have placed a default on my credit file. Thank fully I have all the calls recorded as evidence.