Forum Discussion

lewisrelf01's avatar
Just joined
2 years ago

Cancelling my contract and starting a payment plan

So, myself and my uncle called up the other day to disconnect the broadband cue to me moving out and my new address my boyfriend has got virgin. but the account id currently in debt of £500+. the agent on the phone was not halpfull at all, she said i needed to pay £480 before i could disconnect the account. due to this i said i couldnt afford to pay that currently due to me moving and needing to sort out important stuff for the new place me and my boyfriend are now renting. the agent said that the account will remain open occuring more debt adding £67 on to the account each week. i am very very not happy about this. ive tried to resolve this with the team but they are NOT help full. The Virgin team are happy for people like me to occur more debt when attempting to pay-off the current debt that is currently  on the account but they are happy for me to occur more of a debt then paying off the DEBT that is currently on the account. i have rasied a complain with the virgin media complains team but they are hopeless and if they do not respond soon then i will be going to the ombesman. due to this causing so much stress they should of restricted service or sent me a letter in the post with the account in arrers but i did not have any!!!


  • Joseph_B's avatar
    Forum Team (Retired)

    Hey lewisrelf01,

    Welcome to the Community Forums and thanks for the post.

    Sorry to hear you have been having this issue with cancelling your account, with this if there is an amount owed, it would need to be paid before you can cancel this account, the best team to speak to to go about arranging some form of payment plan to help you with this is our Collections team, you can reach them on 0345 454 1111 and using the options 1 > 1 > 2.
