on 31-07-2024 18:10
I'm wondering if anyone can help me desperately. I have depression and i'm finding this to be impacting my mental health this evening substantially
I got this offer through which i was happy with and accepted. I dont want to be charged £274 thats a lot of money for me and im very frightened. i dont know why this is happening
Now i'm getting lots of emails telling me different things including this one:
Quick recap of what you now enjoy:
Your new package now includes: TV: Mega TV - Additional TV Box
Phone: TV and Broadband DiscountWe've removed: TV: Maxit TV - Sky Entertainment & Cinema Ultra HD Here's how your changes affect your next bill: Your next bill will be generated on 21st August 2024
Your next payment is due on 12th September 2024
Your new monthly bundle cost is: £192.00*. Your next bill will be £274.00* which includes £82.00 to cover your changes up until your next bill period. There is also a one-off charge of 0.00 for installation or activation.
on 31-07-2024 18:58
You should cancel as soon as possible. VM pray on suckering people into contracts they have knowingly mis-sold.
They will make it as tricky as possible for you to cancel and you'll need to jump through hoops so keep a note of all communication you have with them, asking with dates and times and a short note of what was discussed.