Forum Discussion

moggyman's avatar
Up to speed
2 years ago

Advice re getting the best deal please

My 18-month contract ends in May 2024.

I currently have M125 broadband, Mix TV, and Sky Movies. I pay £59pm but a discount is due to end next month so from January-May I will be charged £84pm.

I went on the chat yesterday morning having checked what other deals are around. Sky is currently offering a comparable package including Netflix for £47pm - take off my existing Netflix subscription and it comes down to £40pm.

The lady on the chat finally offered me my current package at £48pm. I said I'd do some more research and come back later. She said that all the details had been saved to my account and would be valid for 7 days.

I went back to chat more later in the day and got through to someone else who claimed they knew nothing about it and there were no notes saved to my account. I went through the whole lengthy process again and he said that the lady had made a mistake. The best deal on offer was £71pm! I called and tried to get through to Retentions and ended up speaking to someone who also offered me £71pm. I don't know if they were in Retentions or not. The problem is allegedly that my contract doesn't end until May and 'special' discounts won't get unlocked until then.

Question: Is it worth trying to pursue a better deal with VM now or will I just have to bite the bullet and pay £25pm more between Jan-May, until these 'special discounts' get unlocked? Also, if it's the former, what's the best number/keypad sequence to use? Getting through to Retentions is a bit like holding a seance, in my experience.


  • nodrogd's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    1) You are unlikely to get “new customer” pricing, which VM makes a loss on. You might, but not always get a better deal by giving notice to leave. The “thinking of leaving” option in the menu system should get you to Retentions. There is no shortcut number.

    2) Mix TV is now a legacy package, so you will be moved to Mixit TV on any new contract. Check out the latest channel guide as to the differences.

  • Hey moggyman, thank you for reaching out and I am sorry to hear about this.

    I would check here for some deals please make sure you are logged in and you should see some amazing deals. Cheers 

    • moggyman's avatar
      Up to speed


      I followed that link and it appears to be offering me the same broadband, Sky Movies, and 'TV Essentials' on a new 18 month contract for £59pm - what I'm paying now. Vm keep renaming their TV packs so I'm not sure if the above is the same as the 'Mix TV' I have now. Either way, it's still £19pm more than the Sky deal.

      One other thing, it offers a V360 box - I currently have an ancient Tivo. On another thread I posted a while back, I was told to avoid that box if I was offered it and ask for a V6 box instead as that has the same interface as the Tivo and the V360 is (so they said) a bit of a cow to use.

  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    I believe TV Essentials has Mixit as the core-tier, either way Mix-TV is a legacy package as per nodrogd above. Familiarise yourself with the TV tiers at 

    Your choice of TV box software is completely independent of a package deal, unless there's an element of whatever you're being offered that is TV360-exclusive - such as inclusive Disney+ or suchlike. If that doesn't apply, then your TiVo can be just as much part of a new contract as a TV360

    The two platforms - TiVo-software on a TiVo or V6, and Horizon-software on a TV360 - are totally different and have many differences. Opinions vary wildly, many users like it but some are holding out on V6 for as long as it's voluntary. Just ensure you make any choice to convert, after due consideration - you can't go back if you don't like it.

    • moggyman's avatar
      Up to speed

      Thanks. It would appear that I'd be looking at Maxit TV as the equivalent to what I currently have.

      I just need a good deal now.......

      • Matthew_ML's avatar
        Forum Team

        All our best deals are on that link we do try and remain as competitive as we can do.

        Deals do change daily to and with Black Friday on its way there could be some serious deals then to.