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02 shops accepting VM returns equipment

Tuning in

On Tuesday I was told on the phone by VM that 02 shops will accept my VM router to return back to them.

The two shops I’ve been to today know nothing about this option.

Was I given rubbish advice?


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Hi GlenMoore 

The info below is from the  page


Non-Virgin Media & Older Virgin Media equipment

If you have recently joined us and have non-Virgin Media equipment* from a previous provider or older Virgin Media equipment and wish to send it to us for recycling. Please follow this link to create a new pre-paid label to return it to us.

Alternatively, you can take the kit to your local O2 store or your local recycling centre. You can find out where here

Equipment must be a like-for-like product and perform the same function as to that which is supplied by Virgin Media (example Set top boxes, Modems, Routers or Wi-Fi boosters)

I don't work for Virgin Media.
I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge.
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The Service you do for others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth - Muhammad Ali

Forum Team
Forum Team

Morning @GlenMoore 

Thanks for posting and welcome back to the community. Very sorry to hear of that experience at the Stores, as this is something that should be fine to happen, as Newapollo also confirmed (thank you)

I will send you a PM now to get the details so I can feed this back for you.

Best wishes.

Forum Team

Need a helpful hand to show you how to make a payment? Check out our guide - How to pay my Virgin Media bill

Tuning in

When this happened to me at the Newtownabbey O2 Store the member of staff said they couldn't accept it as the box had the pre paid Yodel label attached to it (this was fixed to the box already when I received it) and had to be collected or dropped off at a Yodel pick up point. 

I guess if this happens to you someone at the stores you could remove the Yodel label before visiting the store to see if they will accept it. 

I didn't try this and just went to an OohPod drop off point to return there but now I'm running into an issue with Virgin saying they haven't received it even though the Yodel tracking info saying they did. Fun times dealing with Virgin Media. I'm happy to have left and joined Sky.