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Landline not working

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We switched over to the new Fibre Network on the landline, (got the phone adapter plugged into the Computer-but for some reason it keeps dropping out. One day it works the next it does not- all VERY annoying especially as Mobile signals here are awful. Please help as the website is pretty awful to try & book a technician.


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi DolphMelanie,

Thank you for your post, welcome to the Community Forums! 

We're sorry to hear that you've been having some issues with your landline. Has this issue only been present since migrating over to Fibre voice? If you have broadband service too, have you noticed if this has been dropping at the same time too?

If not, have you been able to try using a different landline handset at all so we can rule out it being an equipment issue?

Let us know 😊
