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Having to put area code for local calls

Tuning in

For some reason dialling local calls all I have is a message that this number is incorrect, I now have to put the area code in just like a mobile but any other numbers national or mobile are ok


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi cuz,

Welcome back to the community and thanks for taking the time to post.
I’m sorry to hear of the issues that you’re having with your landline at the moment, I can see that your line is supplied by your hub, are you able to reboot your hub and let me know, if that helps to resolve your issues? If this doesn't work, we would need to pass this to our second line faults.

Kind Regards,


Rebooted ,no change

Rebooted no change

Thanks for coming back to us cuz, I would be happy to take a further look into this for you but first I would need to confirm a few details via private message, please look out for my message and we can get started.
Kind Regards,

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

What area code are you in?

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Alessandro Volta

Ofcom is removing the obligation on telecoms providers to provide local dialling, saying "We are removing the requirement to provide local dialling on landline phone services since we consider that the value of this facility to phone users has declined and it is more complex to provide on IP networks. We anticipate that telecoms providers are likely to remove this facility as they migrate landline customers to new IP voice services."

If you store numbers in your handset, do so with the full number.

Hub 5, TP-Link TL-SG108S 8-port gigabit switch, 360
My Broadband Ping - Roger's VM hub 5 broadband connection

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

I had a vague recollection that local dialling had been removed in some dialling codes but remained in-place in others. Kudos to @Roger_Gooner for picking up on this.

I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media. Learn more

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Forum Team
Forum Team

Thanks for coming back to us cuz, are you able to make calls without having enter the area code at the moment, we did have an issue with our landlines last night but this was resolved this morning at around 11am. Please could you check and let me know?

Kind Regards,


Sorry for delay in answering had more pressing matters, but landline is still the same even though our mum's is ok (in same dialling code)