Very distant fix date for local broadband fault
Hello. I have slow download (c. 100 out of 250 Mbps) and upload (c.5 out of 25 Mbps) speeds. Most of my upstream channels' modulation is too low too (16/32 out of 64 QAM).
I checked the phone and online status checking tools and there is indeed a local, albeit intermittent, fault in my bit of Cardiff.
Generally my connection is pretty good and I understand that stuff occasionally happens. However the current fix date is in ten (10) days time (14 May at a suspiciously specific 10.05am). This seems extravagant.
Hello Cardiffman282.
Sorry to see the issue still persists and that the engineer opted for a hub swap instead of investigating everything when he attended.
Can I send you another PM to arrange for a more senior engineer to take a look?
This isn't good enough at all.