Forum Discussion

Spurry5661's avatar
On our wavelength
2 years ago

Scam calls

I am geeting Scam calls from an obviously indian/Asian outfit everyday claiming to be Virgin Media and stating there is a internet's number is 07974690244..How can I get these numbers blocked..I can only swear at them so many times

  • Each time you answer a call from an unknown (scammer) number you simply confirm to the scammer that your line/number is working and there is someone on the end of the line who is willing to talk to the scammers. As a result, they will just keep calling you in the hope they will get to talk to someone who will be taken in by their scam routine. A good start would be to avoid answering calls from unknown numbers. Let them ring out or go to voicemail/answering machine.

    If you are getting these calls on a landline, you may have some features on your phone which might help (such as setting it to a 'do not disturb' mode where the phone does not ring and goes to answering machine. Use this in conjunction with any VIP feature (tagging contacts in your address book as VIPs) and then allowing VIPs to break through the 'do not disturb' setting. The result would be that your phone would only ring for people you know and all other calls would go to answering machine.

    If your phone does not have those features, consider an add-on device such as trueCall described in a topic from yesterday, below

    a new trueCall unit is quite expensive at £109.99 but it does work very well. Cheaper second hand units come up on eBay (with the usual caveats that apply to eBay purchases). When I used a trueCall device on my landline in the past it cut my scam calls to zero.

    If you are getting the calls on your mobile, some devices, such as the iPhone, have an 'unknown callers' setting which keeps your phone silent for unknown callers and directs those calls to voicemail. There are also a variety of mobile apps to detect scam calls (which are based on large databases of scam numbers) and give notifications of incoming calls which are on the app's scam database.

  • Hey Spurry5661,

    Welcome back to the community and thanks for taking the time to post.
    I’m sorry to hear of the issues that you’re having with scam calls at the moment, are these calls happening on your mobile or landline?

    Kind Regards,


      • Ashleigh_C's avatar
        Forum Team

        Thank you for confirming Spurry5661 and I am so sorry that this has been happening. 

        We will feed this back on our side as this is not a known Virgin number, we would also advise reading up on phishing calls and how to handle them online here.

  • goslow's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Each time you answer a call from an unknown (scammer) number you simply confirm to the scammer that your line/number is working and there is someone on the end of the line who is willing to talk to the scammers. As a result, they will just keep calling you in the hope they will get to talk to someone who will be taken in by their scam routine. A good start would be to avoid answering calls from unknown numbers. Let them ring out or go to voicemail/answering machine.

    If you are getting these calls on a landline, you may have some features on your phone which might help (such as setting it to a 'do not disturb' mode where the phone does not ring and goes to answering machine. Use this in conjunction with any VIP feature (tagging contacts in your address book as VIPs) and then allowing VIPs to break through the 'do not disturb' setting. The result would be that your phone would only ring for people you know and all other calls would go to answering machine.

    If your phone does not have those features, consider an add-on device such as trueCall described in a topic from yesterday, below

    a new trueCall unit is quite expensive at £109.99 but it does work very well. Cheaper second hand units come up on eBay (with the usual caveats that apply to eBay purchases). When I used a trueCall device on my landline in the past it cut my scam calls to zero.

    If you are getting the calls on your mobile, some devices, such as the iPhone, have an 'unknown callers' setting which keeps your phone silent for unknown callers and directs those calls to voicemail. There are also a variety of mobile apps to detect scam calls (which are based on large databases of scam numbers) and give notifications of incoming calls which are on the app's scam database.

  • darrenuk10023's avatar
    On our wavelength

    Just had Landline call from 017*********, I Say hello, Lady from India/Asian "Hi this is Virgin media, How are you doing Today", I Ended the call. Guess its a Scam.

    Had my Contract renews 2 months ago by ringing up..

    [MOD EDIT: Number removed]

    • Carley_S's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hi darrenuk10023 

      Welcome back to the community forums 

      Sorry to hear of your concerns with a call you received. If you believe any call to be fraudulent, is it best to end the call immediately and if needed, call the known customer service number if you needed to speak with someone directly.  

      Alternatively, if you didn't want to receive marketing communications, this can be changed through your Virgin Media online account by following these steps > Click on Account settings > Marketing preferences > Edit my preferences. From here you can choose whether you want to receive offers. If you switch this off, it will stop any calls, emails and addressed marketing.