Changing the subject slightly but VM is notorious for spam and scam calls. My landline was changed because I was receiving so many spam and scan calls in a number that I've had for decades that I don't give out to anybody and all of a sudden I was getting loads of spam and scam calls so that asked VM to change my number and I had to report this as nuisance calls to get a Police ref to change my number. One less than a few hours I was receiving calls from people asking for somebody at all hours of the day I complained to VM about this and the person I was speaking to I could tell just couldn't care less.
I worked for BT for five years and I know how the system works regardless of the provider, by law new numbers by law must be held for a minimum of 6 months those numbers must not be put back into circulation and OFCOM can fine the provider for releasing a phone number early. As I've worked in this industry as a technician and an engineer I know how the system works and it wouldn't surprise me if our details were sold and that's why we are getting all these calls on our mobile. Before O2 nerfed with VM I never once received a single spam call and now I am getting about 2-3 per day.
So the question is has VM sold oilur denials…? I don't have another logical explanation I never once had any before the merger so how can VM explain this…? My father has a SIM and phone with Virgin Media and he gets spammed to death on his emails he gets 4-5 calls per day and I've noticed they call around about the same time every day. It's always between 10:00 and 12:00 and from 14:00 and 18:00 I get calls. I had one today and the Cardiff area code was wrong I knew straight away it was a scam call it rang off so fast k didn't have a chance to answer. I always search for the number via reverse lookup tools that I have for work There are several websites where you can do a reverse lookup to check the number how many times it has been searched and if there are any complaints against the number. I then block the numbed and all those are logged on your phone. What scammer use is a soeficipieve of hardware and software that can mask their number and they could be calling from Indoa which is where 99.9% of the scam and phishing calls come from. They could be calling from India and the number says Leicester England and you're none the wiser.