on 07-02-2024 09:43
Just wondered if someone can provide any insight.
I have a PS5 and when I run a speed test on the console I am getting around 80mb download speed and 40 upload.
I am connecting the PS5 via WiFi and it is connected to a POD nearby.
All my other devices are getting over 300/400mb DL speed expect the PS5.
I am on the M500 so not sure what the issue is.
I have changed the frequency to 5ghz and hasn't really made any difference.
I have very limited knowledge and haven't made any change to my Hub 5 box at all.
Any guidance would be apricated
on 07-02-2024 10:45
Test a cabled connection. Sounds like the PS5 is connecting to the 2.4Ghz band on the Pod, or it may even be connected to the Hub. I don't use the app or Pods, but I believe the management software for the VM Wifi is not great.
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on 09-02-2024 14:04
Are you using a Cat 6 cable for the wired test from the PS5? Can you do a reset on the PS5 to set everything back to factory settings?
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on 09-02-2024 17:31
Hey mistryjayesh,
Welcome back to the community and thanks for taking the time to post. I’m sorry to hear of the issues that you’re having with your connection.
Do you know if you're connecting to your router or WiFi Pod? Are you able to check your connection speed with and without the pod plugged in? So that we can rule that out as the reason for the slow connection to your PS5.
Kind Regards,