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Hello, just joined the forum in the hope that someone can help.  We have (stupidly perhaps) had a email address since about 1996.  Since Friday, we have been unable to access it.  We do not have any other Virgin products e.g. broadband etc., but we do have two mobile phones with Virgin and the bills go to the account that we can no longer access.  I have been passed back and forth for the past 2 hours between Mobile and Media but nobody is able to help.  I have sent an email to the email account that we cannot access and as yet it has not bounced back so we would just like to get into it for one last time.  Does anyone have any clue who to contact about this?  We would be very grateful for any assistance.  Thank you for reading.


Accepted Solutions

Hi @Welli, that's great to hear 😀

If you experience any further problems, please don't hesitate to contact us.


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Hello, I'm posting in the hope that someone an advise us what to do as we are getting a bit desperate.  Our email address has suddenly stopped working - it is 'unavailable'.  We have had this email address since the mid 90's (dial up).  Although we have no other Virgin products (except mobile phones) we have never been advised that the email service was going to be withdrawn.  We just need to get 'into' it for one last time to get our address book mainly. We have tried unsuccessfully to contact Virgin but keep being passed from Media to Mobile and nobody can advise us.  Does anyone know how to contact them please?  Thank you.

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

You can read up about 'orphaned' accounts here:

A VM Forum Team member will reach this thread later today and will be able to advise further, although there is very little they will be able to do as you are not a VM Broadband customer.


I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media, I'm a VM customer. There are no guarantees that my advice will work. Please read the FAQs
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Hello Graham and thank you for taking the time to respond.  I did notice other people have had the same problem. I hope someone from VM is able to help. Thank you again

Problem sorter

As you don’t have a current/active broadband account chances are the email has been deleted. This should happen within 90 days of closing your account but some accounts have been missed. 

My Broadband Ping - Virginmedia

Thanks for your post on our Community Forums, and a very warm welcome to you!

Sorry to hear of the issues with the E-Mail address.

Can you please confirm if this was ever linked to an active Virgin Media subscription, or if this was simply a free E-Mail address you were able to create?

The likelihood is that we wouldn't be able to assist with the re-accessing of the inbox due to the age of the account and that it doesn't appear to have an active subscription attached to it.

Kindest regards,


Hello, thanks for your reply.  I managed to change the password on this email and this morning by some sheer fluke or miracle it has let us in.  We are frantically trying to sort it all out before it disappears again.


Hi @Welli, that's great to hear 😀

If you experience any further problems, please don't hesitate to contact us.


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Thank you for all the responses regarding this issue.  We are still able to access the email address at the moment and considering we've spent a considerable amount of time contacting people/organisations to change our email address it is alarming to see that emails are still arriving - mostly junk -  we hope!!

Thankyou & regards

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@Welli wrote:

We are still able to access the email address at the moment and considering we've spent a considerable amount of time contacting people/organisations to change our email address it is alarming to see that emails are still arriving - mostly junk

Are you viewing these new emails in the email account itself or are these emails being forwarded from the old account to your new email account?

The reason I ask is that sometimes VM's deletion process simply removes access to the webmail account but leaves the mailbox itself still live and able to accept (and forward) new emails.

The VM Forum Team can arrange to get the address fully deleted for you. That would be the best thing to do. Post back if you are happy for them to do that.


I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media.

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