a month ago
I've recently been getting a lot of spam, and when I click to send to my spam folder, I get a message saying basically that my folder is full or the limit is reached or something like that.
Any ideas how I can clear the spam folder?
I've logged onto my blueyonder email online and the spam folder is empty, and I can't see any way to access the spam filter list.
Admittedly I'm only using my phone, so maybe I'll need to dig the laptop out and blow the dust off it to access the spam filter list
a month ago
@kevcole If the VM webmail spam folder is empty then this suggests that when marking mail as spam on your phone it is using a spam function on your phone email app rather than moving them to the VM spam folder.
You will need to look at the phone app settings to clear the spam folder and spam filter list.
VM mail does not hold a spam filter list to get full.
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4 weeks ago
Are you referring to Settings > E-mail > Blocklist as highlighted below?
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4 weeks ago
@用心棒 I would think this is unlikely as the op is accessing their emails via a mobile app and not the VM webmail page.
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4 weeks ago
It was my Samsung after all. I cleared the spam filter once I found it
Many thanks