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New Outlook not sending or receiving e-mails

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I have been told my old windows Mail is going to be discontinued & have to switch to New Outlook.

I have now set up the new Outlook all my mails have transferred across but I cant send or receive any new ones.

My old windows mail is luckily still working fine?



Hi @CraigTarr 

Are you still having issues sending emails with your new email address? If so, was the advice given by @CraigTarr useful?


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Yes Still cant send e-mails?

What error is it giving you and what date  / how old  is the Mac, if its old one it may need updating to the latest software.

Click the “Tools” tab. Select the “Mail Setup” tab or the “Send” tab depending on your version of Microsoft Outlook. Ensure that the “Send Immediately” option is checked. Check your connection settings to ensure your computer or laptop is connecting to your internet provider.

Matt - Forum Team

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