Email not receiving with Outlook - connection error's
Been using Outlok for ages with no problems at all, then yesterday it suddenly stopped collecting emails along with the 0x800CCC1A error message.
I can send but not receive mail.
iMap works fine on my phone and Ipad.
I followed other replies and set up the App Password thing but it made no difference, still giving the same error message. Yes the user name and settings are correct, as they have been since forever, yes my phone has the same exact settings that have been since forever (Imap incoming and smtp outgoing)
Yes there is no malware or virus's
Is there any problem with the mail server? Web mail works fine.
Any help appreciated.
Having the same issues since yesterday and based in Swansea area.
PC connection through HUB. Internet works and able to view emails directly, but not able to send any from website directly as they get returned to sender error message when I do me to me email from PC.
Unable to send or receive messages for the Virginmedia (JOHN DOE) account. Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of inactivity.
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC0F
Solution Update Tuesday 4.28pm.
After 2 hours on phone and reps trying to blame my system then outlook etc., they finally escalated it further. Will take 3-5 working days.
Will update once more news returns.