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NTLworld account

Tuning in


I have had an NTLworld email address now for about 15 years, but my partner was the main account holder, unfortunately she is no longer with us. I have switched the account to my name (same address) however I have a new account number and equipment and I am unable to set up the virgin account using the .NTLworld address does this mean I am now under the 90-day notice period? Is there a way to hang on to my NTLworld address? Thanks, in anticipation



Alessandro Volta

You can't get an email address moved to a new account holder, so you will have to set up a new email account elsewhere. 

That means you have the 90 days, or possibly longer because VM have not always been efficient with the cutoff.

- jpeg1
My name is NOT Alessandro. That's just a tag Virginmedia sticks on some contributors. Please ignore it.

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @stevemawson 

Firstly condolences from all at Virgin Media.

I'll send you a PM now to assist but jpeg1 maybe correct here.

Forum Team

Need a helpful hand to show you how to make a payment? Check out our guide - How to pay my Virgin Media bill

Thanks John, just to make it clear I’m in the same house using the same laptop same cabling just new router. As I’m sure you are aware with me having the address for so long I have hundreds of emails to send if you can’t help. Can’t see a PM where will it be?