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Missing emails

On our wavelength
  1. Hi all,

Expected emails don’t seem to be coming through…  at least for me since Saturday afternoon 


On our wavelength

Hi paul1965,

It's been happening since last Monday or Tuesday,for most people.

We all have the same problem. 

The moderators are aware of the problem,and have forwarded it onto the powers that be. 

It's is hugely frustrating. 

(see the pinned post at the top of the email forum) 

Tuning in

Same for anyone on virgin email. Really annoying now as it causes so many issues for urgent emails and 2fa.

On our wavelength

"Normally"my webmail inbox would have over a dozen emails within it since midnight,before they go on to be bouned into Gmail,as of right now I have just TWO.So things are still not working correctly 😕

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hey paul1975, thank you for reaching out and I am sorry to hear this.

We was aware of an issue affecting emails however this has been fixed this morning.

I also would advise having a 2nd email with the likes or Gmail or Outlook. 

Matt - Forum Team

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