My virgin.net email account stopped working at 10:15 this morning. I rang virgin Customer Service and explained the problem (overseas call centre I think). They gave me a ticket number and said I could use it to track how the issue was progressing. However I can find no way of doing this on my account. Having now read posts on this platform from others with virgin.net emails but no other service from Virgin Media, I gather Virgin is closing down these email accounts. Is it possible to pay a fee to keep the account? Could someone from Virgin Media respond to this please, as losing this account with no warning is a disaster.
Tuesday - last edited Tuesday
VM are not closing these email accounts yet, but since they stopped issuing new ones over two years ago there has been speculation that this might happen.
This assumes that your email account is attached to a current Virginmedia broadband account. If it isn't then it could be closed down at any time without notice.
Hey PHarris16, thank you for reaching out and a warm welcome to the community.
Our emails are free if you are active customer, can I just confirm if you are or not sorry?
We don't charge for these either, if you are not an active customer the email could of been closed down.
Once this happens we are unable to get it back.
Let us know.
Matt - Forum Team
New around here?