Forum Discussion

Lfctony's avatar
Joining in
3 months ago

Record programs from virgin stream box.

We were conned into going with Virgin by a Virgin rep.

One of the many lies he told was that you could record 9 programs at any one time.


Do now with the stream box we can not record programs so we can fast forward the adverts.


Is there any possible way to record programs?

Or do we have to go back to Sky?

  • Sadly there is absolutely no way to record on the Stream/Flex box, the box has no hard drive and is literally a streaming service much like Sky Stream.

    Maybe call Virgin, explain the situation and hope you can get a V6 or 360 box.

    Are you still within 14 days of the contract commencing? 

  • Raise a formal written complaint about the conning VM sakes rep. The link is below. 

  • Hi Lfctony,

    Thank you for your post and welcome to our community forums. We're here to help.

    I'm sorry to hear that you're unhappy with your bundle and TV service. I'm afraid it's not possible to record any content via the Stream box. Have you spoke with the team about this at all since your post? If so, what have they advised on the matter?
