Contradicting information about adding Stream for existing customers
I already subscribe to Virgin and previously had Virgin TV and broadband, however, I have just renewed a new contract for fibre broadband only yesterday and I'd like to get a stream box.
Upon calling 0800 952 2039 the salesperson on the other end insisted that a stream box is for new customers and is unavailable for existing customers and has only tried to upsell me. This has happened twice now
Coincidentally a new article which has come out today says otherwise:
You can pick and mix your entertainment every month – and only pay for the stuff you love. As a nice little bonus, you can get at least 10% credit back on the subscriptions you add to Stream, so you can pocket a saving each month. It’s the quick and easy entertainment service that pairs perfectly with our lightning-fast broadband, offering speeds up to 22x faster than the UK average. And it’s available to both new and existing customers who take a Virgin Media broadband package at no additional monthly cost – whether you go for a broadband-only or broadband and home phone package.
Is he wrong? Is the article incorrect? How can I go about getting one?