Forum Discussion

skylineboy2002's avatar
6 months ago

Service Status - inconsistent information

I got a vm visit last week and given a new hub3, and everything was ok for a couple days..

I noticed on weds a slowing down of my service, so did the standard stuff. eg looked on the service status pages.
an issue found - ok i thought.. usually these are hours at most (and tbf never really noticable to me / or affect my house).
thurs was worse and on the evening total loss of bband, and tv was as service status described "some channels may be freezing or intermittent".

I looked for how to report this, but was stuck in a loop "click here to report online" and then links dead or round in circles.
so saturday morning i phoned up and told VM (i was told a note would be made on account, that i'd lost BBand from service thurs night).

the service status pages say things like "est fix tues 10am" (today), but the "sign up for updates" emails i get, say weds at whatever time. And to confuse matters when phoning the automated fault finder / service status number - they say "no issues in your area".

so which is accurate? lol

Also given that the fix is supposedly today 10am (by the online status page) - yesterday a "report outage" link was finally there, so i clicked and it says logged. the cynic in me thinks it only shows up the day before the fix is due.. because i think i read a rule that basically said the first 24hrs of a fault, vm dont pay auto comp.

also when is any auto comp likely to begin, will it be from the saturday (i phoned and made clear i was calling to say a loss and was told it would be recorded on account). or will it be from when i clicked the link - aka just 24hrs ago (or less).

and also this is confusing as given i have had a new hub / recent visit.. but im almost certain the outage is due to the area issue, as the few days between visit / new hub3 and my setting up a new router (hub modem only) was fine. but of course cant rule it out completely.


  • Check with Area faults on 0800 561 0061 If you have a VM landline 150 this goes down to post code level. The web page does not cover very local issues and when 100’s+ customers are affected.

  • Tudor's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Check with Area faults on 0800 561 0061 If you have a VM landline 150 this goes down to post code level. The web page does not cover very local issues and when 100’s+ customers are affected.

    • skylineboy2002's avatar
      Tuning in

      according to the phone number (i have used it again just now) - it states "upgrades mean loss of service in postcode and should be sorted by 6pm", and the online tool says "

      A problem identified and an engineer has been dispatched Estimated fix time Today at 7:08pm." - but this has been the case for days now. just gets to that time and gets pushed back

      I have of course tried everything my side, eg hub is in modem mode, and the router is fine device to device, and also as im currently having to do - taking my phone and using that internet connection to give out to my devices. so im pretty sure it's ok my side.

      as i said in first post.. never usually had an outage affect me (even when its been in my area) or never had it be for more than few hours.

      • Adduxi's avatar
        Very Insightful Person

        VM times are always estimates, and they can, and very often do, move to the right.  Have you a BQM setup to prove/show loss of service?  Has your service been totally dead for at least 2 days?  It may be just as stated, upgrades will cause intermittent loss of service, so I doubt if that will qualify for compensation?

  • Adduxi's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Area faults are on 0800 561 0061 or if you have a VM landline 150 as small local faults are not listed on the VM status page.  As far as compensation I believe it's 48 hours of TOTAL loss of service.?  So it could be intermittent and compensation will not be paid?  TBH, I've never had a bad outage in my area when with VM, so can't be sure about the compensation saga's.