Forum Discussion

aaaa1111's avatar
Joining in
6 months ago

Connection issues only to VALORANT whilst using ethernet with the 1gbps package.

A video of what the lag looks like including pingplotter overlayed (testing the valorant eu ip given to me by riot support)

Riot support said

''That looks related to some issues that your Internet Provider is currently facing in regards to their routing to our servers. Even if other games or apps are working okay, keep in mind that each of them have different routes, so the issue might only affect your route towards our game. Additionally, since multiple ISPs might use a similar routing, this could affect several players at the same time.

Since there's not much that we can do on our end of things, try to contact your ISP and ask them to look into it.

If you need help about how to approach them about the situation, you can ask for a re-route, and it is a good idea to request your ISP to assign you a static IP address if possible, and you would need to ask them to verify if you are getting a consistent public IP with all your traffic bound to the Internet, regardless of protocols.

Also, you can try asking them for a Tier 2 or a Specialised agent, since they should be able to find the root of the problem more easily.''

However I've been unable to speak to a Tier 2 or Specialised agent via virgin support on the phone, and nobody seems able to do what I've been recommended to ask as far as re-routing.

  • It looks like you are using your own router?

    Try changing the WAN MAC (Ensure you reboot the HUB), which will give you a different Public IP, to see if the latency improves.

    I found different public IP addresses affected my latency when reviewing my BQM.

    When I changed mine the minimum latency dropped, however, the maximum increased, so I reverted back.