@virginmedia.com even bounces important emails sent to me that are replies to my own emails!
I am at my wit's end. I am a lawyer and consultant. I am proficient but not expert at computing.
A year ago I acquired, with a non-elective change in broadband supplier, an email account VirginMedia.com which I began to use and then migrate my email to.
But more than a few of my colleagues, correspondents, clients, customers and comrades told me I am crazy to use VM because it will give me no end of problems, abuse my correspondents, with a risk of losing all my historic emails, and probably cause me to lose business and friends and that virginmedia email service is run my incompetents, lunatics and sadists. I thought they were joking. I should have googled
Now, I wish I had listened to them..... ๐
This useless service even bounces important emails sent to me that are replies to my own emails! As well as bounces important emails from financial services providers I have signed up with or have accounts with, including my brokers, banks and so on.
This is despite me adding all their email addresses to my virginmedia email's "Safe List". All that accomplished was that their messages - important and even vital to me - no longer get put in Spam, which is what, before, had excruciatingly often happened. Now they're either delivered (say half of them) or never get to me at all (the other half).
Worse, their senders - often people replying to my own emails, which is the incredible part of it - or their mailservers/administrators get a rude bounce message from virginmedia, to the effect:
"The contents of the email have been identified as spam."
and cheerfully tells them that their email address has been added by virginmedia to publicly accessible spam lists, thereby causing them all sorts of potential problems with eing muzzled..
These are not spammers! These are MY customers. Me the idiot who has a virginmedia.com account.
One of my most computer-literate clients, lets call him Enrique as its not his name, runs a cosmetics company and runs a Mailchimp-based email list, complying with all GDPR/DP as well as good business practice, emailing only those who specifically asked to receive product emails/offers, and with each email offering them a one-click cancel or throttle-down option. Enrique says for years he has blocked at source anyone trying to register who has a virginmedia, ntlworld, blueyonder (all part of the same diseased stable) etc. email domain, explaining that the company does not want the grief and confusion, and telling them to enrol for a proper email service, including the free ones at gmail, hotmail, yahoo etc., and that EVERYONE except maybe AOL is far far better than the virginmedia stable.
SO WHAT DO I DO? Re-send all my contacts an email asking them to forgive me for imposing upon them a need to deal with this ghastly charade of an email service?
How can I sue VirginMedia because in England & Wales (the only relevant jurisdiction) for the liquidated damages I have suffered? Whatever its lawyers may have told it, it cannot contractually insulate or limit itself from the consequences of its own incompetence, negligence or worse.
Incompetence is the only explanation other than downright automated malice to bounce innocuous and inoffensive business messages to me from my clients who are sinultaneously both (a) safe-listed by me and (b) directly replying to my own emails to them and (c) contain the appropriate In-Reply-To: header.
Again, help.
[MOD EDIT: Personal information has been removed from this post.]