Forum Discussion

OppositeDoug's avatar
Joining in
3 months ago

I have a virgin media account and have had for many years. Virgin have just closed my account. All my email addresses are lost along with other important information.

I was told by a member of the virgin telephony team that it could be reinstated but they couldn't help me do it.

Please could somebody help or point me to the right department to speak to? Thanks



  • jpeg1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    The bad news is that unless you have a current Virginmedia broadband account, they will not help you. They should have sent you a warning email a few weeks ago.  Do you have an offline contact list? 


  • goslow's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Some past posts are linked below on things that others have tried to regain temporary access

    Sometimes the VM forum team offers to try to regain temporary access (as per the VM response in the link above) but it seems a bit random and inconsistent as to when/if this is offered.

    A VM forum team person should reply here within a few days.

  • I have a virgin media account and have had for many years. Virgin have just closed my email account. All my email addresses are lost along with other important information.

    I was told by a member of the virgin telephony team that it could be reinstated but they couldn't help me do it.

    Please could somebody help or point me to the right department to speak to? Thanks

    • Graham_A's avatar
      Very Insightful Person

      OppositeDoug  The VM Forum Team will respond to this thread in due course.  If your current VM broadband account and the old email account are held in the same name it may be possible to move it to your current account.  However, if it has already been deleted this may not be possible.

    • David_Bn's avatar
      Forum Team

      Thanks for reaching out to us OppositeDoug, and a very warm welcome to you!

      Sorry to hear of the deletion of the E-Mail account under the domain

      We would need to advise that once an address is deleted, it may not be possible to reinstate.

      Do however check out the envelope in the top right hand corner for a private message from me and I'll take a closer look into this for you.

