Forum Discussion

revbarfly1's avatar
On our wavelength
2 years ago email

One of my email accounts has stopped working again on Saturday and keeps asking to enter the password. Server says password needs changing so have tried changing this and no matter what password we try virgin will not let us change this. This is urgent.

  • revbarfly1's avatar
    On our wavelength

    Have been onto Virgin for 1.5 hours to be told that my email account is on a different area code to our account and has been turned off.  They can move it to our correct Area code but then my husband will lose his email?? So the answer is if you already have an email associated with your Virgin Media account you can keep that one but if you move another one over you will then lose the one that's on the account ! This makes no sense even though they say you can have up to 3 emails on the account! 

    • Ashleigh_C's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hi there revbarfly1 

      Thank you so much for your post and welcome to the community forums, it's great to have you here. 

      I am so sorry that you have faced this issue with your service and thank you again for your post. If the email is no longer attached to a current and active broadband account then it will be removed up to 90 days from services being cancelled though this can in some cases take longer. 

      Did the agent confirm that this email was not showing on the current account?

      • revbarfly1's avatar
        On our wavelength

        It has been a nightmare I have no email account and this account was used for business and personal. I have a lot of accounts which send verification codes to my email but since I no longer have access this is impossible. Virgin have let us down really badly, we have been customers and still are since 2002 and this is what they do, no notification, nothing. Apparently an update was done on Saturday and because the only email linked to the account was my husbands, I lost mine in this new update. Had we have known or been given notice we could have added my email to our account and this would not have happened. 
        I have so far lost 3 days of work and now had to create a new email account (NOT VIRGIN) and go through and contact every customer, then try and change my Apple ID, Bank, HMRC, Hospital, etc etc 

        Not a good experience!


  • revbarfly1's avatar
    On our wavelength

    Please can someone help. I have spent hours and hours onto virgin and they keep closing and raising tickets. My email was cut off on 30th December after a software update and we are trying to get it reinstated. We raised a support ticket again last Wednesday where we were told if we tried to add my email to our Virgin account my husband would lose his.

    My mother is a Virgin media customer also and she agreed on the advice of a Virgin customer service  to have my email added to her account so i would be able to gain access.

    I spoke to someone yesterday and they said they had until today to respond, we called again and basically no further forward and the person we spoke to cancelled the ticket and raised another one!

    Does anyone know what they are doing and if so please can I talk to you ! I am self employed and have had no access to emails since 30th December  

    • Graham_A's avatar
      Very Insightful Person

      revbarfly1 I'm afraid that whoever suggested that your email address could be moved to your mother's account was talking nonsense.  You need to stick to the replies that you get from the VM Forum Team staff as they are best placed to be able to advise on the actual status of your problematic email address.

      You need to 'bite the bullet' and set up a new email address from a non isp provider such as MS Outlook or Google Gmail, other providers are available.

      If you are intending to use the address for business use check the terms and conditions very carefully as such use is not allowed under the VM terms and conditions.  Also take note that VM stopped issuing new email accounts in May 2022.

      • revbarfly1's avatar
        On our wavelength

        Hi Graham I have set up a new email but some accounts where I try to change the email send a verification code to my virgin mail which I no longer have access to. Because we have our services through Virgin why would we even think my email would disappear particularly when nobody told us we needed to move all email accounts under our account until after the event!