Forum Discussion

John_Gray's avatar
6 months ago

Unable to sign in to blueyonder using webmail

For a few days I have been unable to sign on to webmail using the non-VM account I have been using for nearly a year.  It seems to "Check Detail" OK, and I enter the correct password, but clicking on the blue "Sign in" box gives no action.

If I try to go through the "Forgot your password?" route, again entering the non-VM mail account, I get "Suspicious activity detected. Please try again later.", each time I try this over several days.

My alternative email route, POP3 into Outlook 2010, continues to work perfectly.

Any ideas, please?  Thanks!


  • Kath_P's avatar
    6 months ago

    Hi John_Gray, 

    Thanks for taking the time to contact us via the Community. It's lovely having you on board with us in the Forums.

    We're sorry to hear you've been having an issue with getting access to your mailbox via My VM. As you've been able to sign in successfully on another browser, it would rule out the issue being an account issue. 

    I can see that Coenoby has offered some further advice, please give this a try and let us know how that goes. 


  • coenoby's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    John_Gray wrote:

      It seems to "Check Detail" OK, and I enter the correct password, but clicking on the blue "Sign in" box gives no action.

    If I try to go through the "Forgot your password?" route, again entering the non-VM mail account, I get "Suspicious activity detected. Please try again later.",

    The first thing  I would try is to open an Incognito or Private window in your browser and try signing into your webmail account from there.  That has proved a work around for other posters with the same issue.

    Here's a link explaining how to do that.

    www.computerworld article how-to-go-incognito-in-chrome-firefox-safari-and-edge 

    Post back with how that goes as a starter.


  • Sadly, I get exactly the same results in the Firefox New Private Window as in a normal window.

    I should mention that I have Cleared Cookies on a few occasions, without getting different sign-in results.

    I managed to sign on with an amount of difficulty using Edge, but I don't want to use this...

    • coenoby's avatar
      Very Insightful Person

      John_Gray wrote:

      Sadly, I get exactly the same results in the Firefox New Private Window as in a normal window.

      I should mention that I have Cleared Cookies on a few occasions, without getting different sign-in results.

      I managed to sign on with an amount of difficulty using Edge, .

      Thanks for the update - sorry to hear that did not work.

      VM do sometimes lock an email account "due to suspicious activity". (That can normally be resolved by a password reset.) However, if you can access the email account via another browser that does not seem to be the case here.

      Even so, it still might be worth trying a password reset, especially since you already have a non VM address as your username sign in. You are probably already aware that you can do that via your My Virgin Media (MVM) account.

      However, when you have signed into your MVM account before you reset the password it might be worth trying to access your webmail account directly from the MVM account itself. You can do that from the "Access my mailbox" button towards the bottom of the "Account settings" page where you can edit (reset) the password.


    • Kath_P's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hi John_Gray, 

      Thanks for taking the time to contact us via the Community. It's lovely having you on board with us in the Forums.

      We're sorry to hear you've been having an issue with getting access to your mailbox via My VM. As you've been able to sign in successfully on another browser, it would rule out the issue being an account issue. 

      I can see that Coenoby has offered some further advice, please give this a try and let us know how that goes. 


      • John_Gray's avatar

        I've tried Coenoby's further suggestion, but that simply bring me round in circles.

        Thank you, Kath - but the problem seems to be the fact that, having entered my "non-VM account" password on the Sign-in page, then clicking the "Sign in" box results in no action whatever.

        Putting one's cursor on the Sign in box shows h tml.form.login.template.signInButtonTitle  (I have put a space after the 'h' to allow me to enter the text)

        Historically, "peculiar results" from attempting to log on to webmail have just gone away after a number of days, although this is taking longer than usual, so I will hope that future changes by Virgin Media and/or Mozilla will resolve whatever problem is present now.  I am able to log on to webmail using Edge , and my preferred path of POP3/SMTP using Outlook 2010, both work OK.  So I will abandon the struggle, and thank you both for your efforts.