Forum Discussion

Nothappy16's avatar
On our wavelength
4 months ago

Third party email provider help please

Afternoon all,

Help required please.

I've gone through the (nightmare) process of creating an additional email address/changing my password to enable signing in to my 'old' ntlworld address, but now discover that on the VM app, there is no icon/button to go straight to my email/inbox. I have been advised that a 'third party' app will be able to facilitate that, and wondered if anyone can provide feedback on which can be recommended. Yahoo mail doesn't seem to be able to cope and I want to stay clear of due to previous issues with their app.

Finally, presuming this is doable, when asked for my sign in/password before installation, would this be the ntl address with the new password which VM have got me to create? (Sorry, that's probably a silly question, but ..!!)

  • Graham_A's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Nothappy16 You should be able to use this link to sign into VM webmail:

    For webmail you will need to use the third party email username for your email address together with the VM password.

    If you want to use an email app then try Thunderbird or Bluemail.  In order to use an email app/client you will need to generate an app password for the account.  The username would be your full VM email address not the third party one.  You can find help in the section on adding email to a device here:

    • Nothappy16's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Hi Graham,

      Thanks for the reply. The does work, but there is no way of just hitting one 'button' to go in to my mail account on my phone screen - surely an oversight by VM? The best I can do with that is to save the page into 'favourites' or 'history' and click on that every time - unecessarily clunky imho.

      I will try one of the third party apps that you reccomend and see how it goes. Will come back to you if I run into any problems if thats ok with you. Thanks again in the meantime.

      • Nothappy16's avatar
        On our wavelength


        Thunderbird is not available as an app for ios phones and when I enter the necessary info/settings for Bluemail it states that the installation could not be completed!! Nightmare!!

    • Nothappy16's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Yes the 'mail' app which comes with ios phones used to work before VM made the changes to accounts - doesn't seem to now !

      • Graham_A's avatar
        Very Insightful Person

        As I said before you do need to have a generated app password for the email address concerned in order to use an email app.  Have you done that step?  Also make sure that you enter the full Ntlworld email address in the app as the username together with the generated app password.

  • Nothappy16's avatar
    On our wavelength

    Ive re-instaled the 'mail' app and get a messga ethat reads No password provided for Please go to Mail account Settings and enter a password. Not entirely sure where I would enter this - all incoming/outgoing mail server fields are populated already....