12 months agoJoining in
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Is it possible to be contacted privately too to try and correct (what I think is) a single domain issue?
[MOD EDIT: Post split to create own thread]
Is it possible to be contacted privately too to try and correct (what I think is) a single domain issue?
[MOD EDIT: Post split to create own thread]
I am having a similar issue, but it appears to effect just one domain (I can name privately) and is both ways - I do not receive emails from them and theirs do not get delivered to me. Their emails receive a bounceback 'the receivers email server did not deliver'.
This almost cost me a job, as it was of a prospective employer - their email interview invite (and any others they sent me) failed to be delivered, and my emails to them were not received - we ended up using a gmail account i created specifically for the comms between us.
I have now actually joined the company, but I still have to use the gmail account, which although i set an auto-forward from them to my ntlworld account, I have to use the gmail to reply.
Can something be done?
Hi Paulsibley 👋🏼.
Thank you for posting and welcoming you back onto our community forum ☺.
Let me take a look and further investigate 🧐.
I will have to private message you.
Please watch out for the envelope ✉.