Virgin Media Spam filtering?
So what is the story of VM email spam filtering? It is absolutely shocking...
I have an old email (if that matters).. and I get WAY to much spam getting through. I am talking the most obvious spam you can imagine ... and it gets through, while other legitimate emails, from legitimate people/companies (e.g. Microsoft with updated user terms) and even Virgin Medias own emails (yes.. real genuine ones, not the spams ones (that do get through) ) Get flagged as SPAM and not passed on to my email client (Outlook).
Also, I can blacklist... but cant whitelist... whats with that?
So who do VM contract through to manage their email? is there any chance it will improve? as it is current situation is appalling.
Yoji wrote:... create a new email.. forward all my VM emails to new service and gradually chip away and changing services to directly use the new email.
That's the answer.
It is what I did a few years ago when I retired and shifted away from the (non VM) email address I had been using as my email account for all my personal and business affairs for many years.
As an aside, when I did that I realised just how many online accounts I had not used for years and had forgotten about. So it provided a good opportunity to close those down. I suspect you might find that as well.
Switching to a new email account will also cut the number of spam emails you get down to zero, for a while at least. So it will actually solve the problem that caused you to post here in the first place. A win - win all round I'd say.๐