Forum Discussion

MalcL's avatar
Tuning in
2 years ago

Locked out of my secondary email account

Hi, been locked out of my SECONDARY email account and been going around the houses for last 3 hours trying to get it back up & running.  Is my main email address.   Struggling to get hold of a human being (the online chat doesn't cover email issues and so is next to useless frankly).  I've tried logging on using a non-NTL email address per the complex instructions on the web pages but that didn't work and when I try again using that gmail account again it won't let me as it's already been used (!!!???).  I'm not setting up another email address!     Tried another way via the 'forgotten your email address?' instruction and having entered the account and region numbers, date of birth etc, it comes up 'oops, we've ran into a problem.  wait a minute and try again.  If that doesn't work, please come back late (code: DEF01)'.   As said going round in circles and losing the will.......can someone please provide some expert guidance (please don't just sent the instructions on the website as they're not working here! 

  • Raised an issue on this forum yesterday but need to resend as have update an don't appear to be able to edit my original message.

    Am locked out of my secondary email account which suddenly got locked out despite having used it earlier in the day.  Now get message to say 'your Virgin Media Mail account is currently unavailable'.  Have raised a ticket (P012354062) as the person on the Helpdesk was unable to resolve himself but have been advised it'll take 5 days.  This is effectively my primary email and with the amount of traffic through it need it back up & running asap!  

    As mentioned to the Helpdesk I've attempted to follow all the instructions to unlock my Virgin Media Mail account but to no avail.  As said the Helpdesk were unable to assist either hence they've raised a ticked with the technical support team.

    Is there anyone who can help expedite things? 

    Thanks very much!!!

    • Molly_T's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hi MalcL 👋 welcome back to the community! Thank you for posting. 

      Sorry to hear about these issues with your secondary email account, and your experience in getting support for them. 

      In the first instance, please ensure you have an active My Virgin Media account 👉 set up for each email address you want access to. (In this case your secondary email account.) This is to ensure that you are able to generate 3rd party app passwords to use the email in Clientmail apps such as 'outlook', 'Thunderbird' or 'Applemail'. Once you have access to the My VM account, please generate a 3rd Party apps password via Account settings > Virgin media Mail settings > Generate new App password. 

       If you don't have a My VM account set up for the email address - please set one up. You can do this on the login page by registering. You can find more information about managing your account via My VM here 👉 - including instructions on managing your accounts (checking for any Administrative users and secondary My VM users). Please also ensure as part of this process that you have the correct contact email set up for each account. 

      If the team advised that an IT ticket is needed to clear the issue then sadly we would need to wait for this to be worked and can sadly not expedite this process. The estimated fix date/time is estimated, and so this may be resolved ahead of schedule. However if the works surpass the estimated fix time/date we can then escalate the ticket for you. 

      Let us know how you get on with these steps and we can offer further support if needed! 

      Wishing you all the best. 🌞


  • Raised an issue on this forum yesterday but need to resend as have update an don't appear to be able to edit my original message.

    Am locked out of my secondary email account which suddenly got locked out despite having used it earlier in the day.  Now get message to say 'your Virgin Media Mail account is currently unavailable'.  Have raised a ticket (P012354062) as the person on the Helpdesk was unable to resolve himself but have been advised it'll take 5 days.  This is effectively my primary email and with the amount of traffic through it need it back up & running asap!  

    As mentioned to the Helpdesk I've attempted to follow all the instructions to unlock my Virgin Media Mail account but to no avail.  As said the Helpdesk were unable to assist either hence they've raised a ticked with the technical support team.

    Is there anyone who can help expedite things? 

    Thanks very much!!!

    • Robert_P's avatar
      Forum Team

      Given the reference number you have provided, it appears to have been raised with our IT Support team. Tickets raised to this team can take up to 5 working days to be resolved but can be quicker, when were you given this reference?

