Locked out of my secondary email account
Hi, been locked out of my SECONDARY email account and been going around the houses for last 3 hours trying to get it back up & running. Is my main email address. Struggling to get hold of a human being (the online chat doesn't cover email issues and so is next to useless frankly). I've tried logging on using a non-NTL email address per the complex instructions on the web pages but that didn't work and when I try again using that gmail account again it won't let me as it's already been used (!!!???). I'm not setting up another email address! Tried another way via the 'forgotten your email address?' instruction and having entered the account and region numbers, date of birth etc, it comes up 'oops, we've ran into a problem. wait a minute and try again. If that doesn't work, please come back late (code: DEF01)'. As said going round in circles and losing the will.......can someone please provide some expert guidance (please don't just sent the instructions on the website as they're not working here!