Forum Discussion

karenHebbs's avatar
Tuning in
2 years ago

How do I delete my @ntlworld email account?

Hello I have an old ntl email account that appears to have been hacked and the hacher is using it. How do I go about getting it deleted? I tried to log back into it but they have changed my password. Ive seen from another thread you were able to look into this for someone else and was able to help. Many thanks

  • Hello I have an old ntl email account that appears to have been hacked and the hacker is using it. How do I go about getting it deleted? I tried to log back into it but they have changed my password. Ive seen from another thread you were able to look into this for someone else and was able to help. Many thanks

    • David_Bn's avatar
      Forum Team

      Thanks for your public post karenHebbs.

      For the benefit of third party readers, this has been picked up and taken to private message by myself with the aim of having this resolved for the poster.



      • karenHebbs's avatar
        Tuning in

        Thanks David, appreciate the help, hopefully you can sort this for me 🙂

  • 用心棒's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    The forum team are best placed to help with this issue and it has been flagged to them.

    I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media. Learn more
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  • deepbeep's avatar
    On our wavelength

    That's an absolutely appalling response to an urgent data security situation.


    I expect you had to provide a load of personal sensitive information via private message in this forum as well, how secure is that information?  How long is it retained on the forum servers at risk of being hacked? Is there an effective security and deletion policy?

    Virgin just appear to be reckless with personal data as far as I can see.

    I had exactly the same issue as you, lots of people seem to be having this issue.  


    To raise a subject access request visit -  with a heading highlighting an urgent GDPR issue,  told them that my account was hacked and then emailed a day later when I hadn't had a response confirming I would sue them for any costs incurred as a result of the breach.  After the second email they deactivated the account within hours.

    • Adri_G's avatar
      Forum Team (Retired)

      Hi, deepbeep.
      Thanks for taking the time to make a post and share your concerns with the community, although we're sorry to see how you feel about our security and relevant policies in place.

      We'd love to best advise more on this matter, please follow our link here where we offer advice on how to gain access back to a hacked email and the best course of action in this case to keep your personal data and info secure.

      Email accounts can be hacked in various ways, you can have a read here for more on this and how to report an incident.
      We can also confirm we do have relevant security measures in place too so to keep your accounts with us secure, such as the web-safe option being set to on as a default when you join us as well as monitoring for suspicious activity detections (mailbox activity/spam etc).

      About how we handle your data in general, please view this page.
      We're glad to hear your issues raised with our DPO team via email have been resolved previously, if there's more you need help with regarding this let us know so we can look into it.

      Also, please kindly note that our help forums are not offering instant responses and messaging however our staff always respond to all users as soon as we're available although this may take a few hours or 2-3 days max on a busy day.

      We hope this helps with your above concerns, we're happy to assist with anything more you may need as well.
      Best regards,

      • karenHebbs's avatar
        Tuning in

        Hi Adri, to bring this back to my issue, in my case I'm waiting for the account to be deleted which your team members raised with IT 2 weeks ago and escalated

        Those information links do not work for me as its and old NTL world email that was hacked. So I can't access or reset it. Please ensure the IT ticket raised for deletion is actioned as it has been over 2 weeks now and dont wish your response to distract from that.

        Many similar requests for old NTl email deletion have been deleted via this forum previously, so not sure why mine is taking so long. Many thanks