Forum Discussion

MarkandEcho's avatar
Joining in
2 years ago

App password and Outlook

I have recently been forced to make an App password to use outlook to collect my mail ever since doing so I have had nothing but trouble with mail staying in the outbox and not sending along with certain parts of outlook not working like Pin email these problems are only happening with my virgin media  IMAp accounts all other accounts like goole etc. are fine its driving me mad I had to choose a different email to get this app password not a virgin media one I hope some one can shed some light on this and is it possible to go back to my original set up without the app password?



  • Graham_A's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    MarkandEcho The change of username to a third party email address is only required to confirm password changes including generating the app password.

    Once you have the app password you need to enter this in the settings for your your Outlook email client.  The username you need to use remains your full VM email address.

    The third party email username is only needed to access your account via My Virgin Media or VM webmail.


  • hi thanks for your reply but it does not answer my questions about why I can't do certain thing like pin emails and why outlook is not sending mail straight away as it should all the problems have accrued Ince using the app password so it stays to reason that the app password is the change

    • coenoby's avatar
      Very Insightful Person


      "outlook is not sending mail straight away"

      So is Outlook not sending the emails at all or is it taking a long time to send them?

      If it's just not sending the emails at all that suggests your account credentials (User name and password) in the Outlook app are wrong.

      As Graham_A has intimated the Outlook settings for your VM email account need to have your VM email address as the username and the mail app password you generated as the password.

      " certain parts of outlook not working like Pin email"

      Outlook only uses your password to gain access to your emails on the VM server. Once it has gained access and successfully downloaded the emails and they appear in your inbox in Outlook how they are sorted and displayed in Outlook is all controlled by the functions in Outlook.

      Problems with pinning emails in Outlook has come up on Microsoft's community forum (here's a fairly recent example  ) So you might like to do some research there.

      "is it possible to go back to my original set up without the app password?"

      Sadly not. VM say they have introduced it to improve the security on their accounts when accessed via email apps. There is no option to revert back.
