Yet more email problems
Hello I started out with cable and wireless then NTLWorld and now Virgin Media so I've been around for a while. I don't use a smart phone and access my email using outlook on a PC at home.
If I'm travelling I will use email via the virgin media home page on either a PC or an android tablet.
Last week Virgin locked my main email account. It's a very old account I have used, problem free, for years.
I really hate using the support line as they talk too quickly and assume I am as tech savvy as a 14 year old. (I used to design bits for fighter aircraft so I'm not stupid).
The point is, they got me to change so many passwords as well as setting up another, non virgin, email account that now I don't know whether I'm coming or going and have lost track of my logins and passwords.
I'm so disgruntled that I would like to move away from Virgin and set up an outlook account I can access using outlook. there a way to do this and transfer my existing emails easily without having to get in touch with VM again?
I'm sure I can't be the only once loyal VM customer to experience this.....
VM's changes to its email have created a bizarre set of requirements for users IMO (not least of which is having to create another email account in order to use a VM email account).
There is some explanation below which may help you
If you are using an email client, such as Outlook, there is now a requirement for an app password (which is accessed through My Virgin Media).
You will need to regain control of your email account first of all and be able to access it.
After that, you should consider starting the process of migrating your email requirements to a new email provider.
If you are using Outlook, you should be able to save or export or archive your VM information.
Alternatively, this past topic shows how to archive emails using a free utility