Forum Discussion

brockett's avatar
On our wavelength
9 months ago

what is the limit on private messages?

How many private messages can you send? I was chatting with someone trying to sort out a bill problem - basically I couldn't pass security because he kept saying I was getting the date of my payment wrong, I just moved house but I was taking the date directly from my latest bill. I tried to paste it to show him and it kept saying I wasn't allowed, I tried in several different ways (not loads of times though), and after a few attempts it said I had reached my limit for sending messages and I had to wait...but how long for? I have given accurate answers to every security question I have been asked and they say I am wrong. How can that be. I spent almost two hours the other day trying to get my issue resolved, and I must have passed security a dozen times that day. I hope someone can tell me. It just strikes me that nothing at virgin media is fit for purpose...

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