Imortaltom wrote:
Still handy to know if others are paying less for a similar package though. Then I could add that in the negotiation process.
It might be interesting to know, yes; but as japitts, rightly says above, it's fairly irrelevant. For example I can get Community Fibre offering a 3 Gb/s (yes three) symmetric connection for £50 per month, my ex-wife is in a location where it's VM or, at best, an 50/20 Openreach connection. Now, if it came to it, which of us do you think VM will offer the better price to sign up?
I promise you that I understand where you are coming from, but realistically, when negotiating with VM (or any other provider), claiming 'what others are paying' is pointless. VM are fully aware of what other providers are available to you in your area and what they charge, they also know that changing providers is a hassle and a disincentive for people to do so unless the cost difference really makes it worth it.
So please, forget about what others are paying, even forget what your next door neighbour might be paying, it's all irrelevant. What does VM offer YOU as a customer and what will they charge YOU? Do you think it is worth it, yes or no?