Forum Discussion

Vicarms's avatar
Joining in
10 months ago

Incompetent staff

How does anyone deal with this completely incompetent and useless company and customer services?

I am absolutely disgusted by the nonexistent levels of service I have received. I was nearing the end of my contract so rang them to sort a new one out, was told a price and asked if I could think about it to which they replied yes and would log it on my account. Rang back 3 days later to be told a price which was £60 more expensive and original offer was no longer valid. Spoke to numerous people after hours and hours was apologised to saying I shouldn’t have been told I could think about it and ridiculously priced offer was all that was available. Submitted a complaint which wasn’t responded to until 3 days later. I replied back to that email and had no response. It will be 28 days tomorrow. I have rung and wasted another 2 hours trying to talk to someone about the complaint to be cut off and I’m now back on hold 40 mins later. Why can they not transfer a call to a customer service representative?! Apparently, customer services don’t take phone calls?! I’m not surprised as they’d need an outrageous number of staff to man the lines just covering complaints about how useless they are! They wanted to lodge another complaint to supersede the original and informed me I’d have to wait another 28 days to hear back! 

I’ve been overcharged by £90 and been told I’ve got to wait 28 days to get a refund. 

absolutely terrible company

  • goslow's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Usual advice on here (based on a lot of similar past topics) is that if you get offered a good deal from VM, the time to take it is there and then. Invariably it seems the deal is gone when customers ask to think about it and phone back later on.

    If you intend to follow up your complaint you could request a recording of the call

    but AFAIK VM isn't obliged to keep any particular offer open for you.

    Your query may not get a reply from a VM person here in 'Community Natter'. Someone might move the topic over for you to ‘Managing Your Account – Cable’ where VM employees do respond.

  • PimmsOClock's avatar
    On our wavelength

    Alas, the advice from ‘goslow’ above is correct. Legally, no contract exists until both parties 'agree’ on the terms, VM offered you £x, you didn’t agree there and then, and so the offer vanishes. VM aren’t obliged now to honour it.

    Well, unless, the VM agent explicitly said that they would hold the offer open for x days! And this is important, it is completely unreasonable to expect a company to hold an offer indefinitely, “listen; I called VM ten years ago and I was offered a deal for £20, yes it’s taken me ten years to ‘think about it’, but now I insist you honour it....” Obviously, that’s going nowhere, is it?

    Even if the VM agent did actually, unequivocally stated that they would hold the offer for x days, it’s your word against their’s, unless you want to go down the road of demanding a copy of the call recording - a DSR. It all started getting messy, and time consuming.

    Honestly, I think you are out of luck with this one. Although, presumably now you are no longer within any minimum term contract, you are paying more, but on the other hand, you are now free to leave, penalty free, albeit, subject to the 30 day notice period.

    And maybe that is worth it to you to free you from "this completely incompetent and useless company and customer services” - your words?

    • Hadenuff1's avatar
      Joining in


      And get free from "this completely incompetent and useless company and customer services” - as you say.


  • This is NOT unusual - look at their eviews on TRUST PILOT


    They are a joke of a company. I wish I'd never jined them.

    I am switching to EE - it's night and day, easy to speak with and all their call centres are all UK based with people who you can understand!

    And they do not try to spend money on your bank account as someone from Virgin tried to do!