Forum Discussion

Darthvadar's avatar
Tuning in
27 days ago

Complaint ref: C-030724931

I am having extreme difficulty getting any form of response from Virgin Media re above complaint which relates to Trespass, Damage, Distress, and Disruption to Peaceful Occupation during and following an incident which occurred in July last year impacting several residents.

Quite honestly, the whole company appears to be in a state of absolute disarray, with the senior management having lost control.

As I am now in process of formulation a legal claim for compensation against Virgin Media....does anybody on this forum know the address/dept  at Virgin Media to where the County Court summons should be sent.

Apart from that, I feel that this company needs some serious root and branch reform to its processes, and I would be available in a consultancy role for this purpose.

  • -tony-'s avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    VM is exactly what the management want it to be - exactly what you have found - sum that up as you want - they have spent years getting to the point they are now which [again i say] is what they want - no point in going into all you perceive as faults in the business plan as they consider them to be correct - you can also read cheap to run if you want

    with regards to your experience their normal course of action to such complaints/problems is to ignore such things in the hope that you give up and go away - a practice that from posts on here works in most cases 

    i am sure some in the past have gone the court root but theres never been any conclusions posted here as far as i remember - i dont know of a specific address - the head office given on their help page would do i guess - interesting to see what happens initially as [again] they are likely just to ignore any communication 



    • Darthvadar's avatar
      Tuning in

      Thank you for your kind words. With this one, we are definitely not giving up, and will be going down the legal proceedings route. There is already some very strong Press/Media interest in this case.(not from Virgin Media Press Dept. I might add). When it does go to publication, the management will realise that their business plan is not working, and the public will be fully informed.


      • -tony-'s avatar
        Alessandro Volta

        as i say the managements business plan is what they have worked to achieve over many years - they know fully what it is and it works

        there has been many things posted elsewhere on VM's faults - it seems not to change VM's direction