City Fibre - up and running
Well, VM not bothering to offer sensible renewal fees - expecting double their new customer offers means that after nearly 30 years, from the days of Birmingham Cable, 4 house moves, I'm off.
Got ripped off on the last renewal - when daughter's partner bullied VM into a third of what we were paying, it was just a matter of time. VM are silly enough to display an offer for new customers on the same website as offering our "special" deal of twice that price.
I'm not interested in tricks with retention.
So when CityFibre cabled past our house, it was an easy choice to go there. Installed on time with not a lot of fuss. The only hassle was swapping to my own router to avoid res-setting up the whole house (on ai-Mesh). Needed a chat to customer services to get the PPPoE user and password and then there was a hidden magic number to set which had me Googling but getting 212mbps up and down, which is more than specified.
Last straw is "broken" web site that gives a 404 for cancellations (once you can find it), a chat that doesn't offer a call back if you say no to not being prepared to wait, just kills the connection, and an over 40 minute wait. We are using snail mail to cancel. I suspect CityFibre is killing VM at the moment judging by the vans round here.
Hint, if a customer is leaving, make it the best experience not the worst, because in a couple of years time when we might be persuaded to flip back, that cancellation nonsense will be remembered.
If you can face it Ofcom are monitoring VM cancellations