Wifi pod troubles - devices randomly disconnect
Hi, I’ve seen a few similar posts from a while ago where the best answer always seems to be ‘put the hub in modem mode and buy a £400 mesh system’ - but I’m hoping someone might have found a solution recently.
I have the Hub 3 and two pods to cover a three-storey house. When things work, we have excellent connection and speed throughout the house. However, various devices (apple and Samsung phones, laptops) lose connection to the pods frequently. When this happens, they then refuse to reconnect - you have to turn the device wifi off and on about ten times or restart it, sometimes it says the password is incorrect/ sometimes it just says connection failed, until magically it reconnects and everything is fine.
Then you go downstairs and it drops off and you’re back in the same loop.
I can’t turn the intelligent wifi off because then the pods disconnect entirely. I’ve tried reserving IPs for the mobile devices without noticeable improvement. We’ve had an engineer round who found nothing wrong. Any ideas?
Cant comment on Samsung devices - but there have been a few threads recently from Apple users (like myself) with similar issues that were solved with one or more of the solutions highlighted below - worth working your way through this list...
The setting that is critical on the Hub is to have Wi-Fi Security set to WPA2-PSK -
this will ensure a fuss free connection with Apple kit.
———————————————-After a MacOS/iOS update, it may auto turn on Automatic Proxy Discovery for all Wi-Fi networks - so turn it off in network settings as per message 7 (below). In iOs go to Settings>WiFi> tap the blue”I” icon and scroll down and make sure Configure Proxy/‘ is set to off - also that Configure DNS and Configure IP are set to automatic
Check this... no connectivity on Apple kit may be a MAC filtering issue for Apple devices - see if this has the solution for you….https://community.virginmedia.com/t5/Networking-and-WiFi/Intermittent-iPhone-Apple-MacBook-amp-HP-Printer-connections-to/td-p/5321030
___________________________Also, are you running a VPN - if so turn it off and see if that helps - also disable “Private Relay” if that is switched on in your iCloud settings on the phone/Mac.
“LIMIT I.P. TRACKING”Switching this off solved the speeds issue here….
Cant connect as password is incorrect on iPhone (& Andrex)……. this sorted it…
https://community.virginmedia.com/t5/Networking-and-WiFi/Iphone-can-t-connect-to-Virgin-WIFI-Incorrect-Password-No-idea/td-p/5130799Just moving SIM sorted it here