WiFi dropping
I have a hub4. I cannot connect to it via IP. I get the sign in screen, I put in the correct password and then the screen goes blank and then times out. Have not managed to get logged into it since Saturday evening.
I have done the 15 second reset, and the 60 second reset. I have left the thing turned off for four hours. I have restarted it. I have reset factory defaults. I cannot consistently connect to the hub
I have always used the connect app to see who is connected to the network and it worked fine no problems, but since Saturday it keep saying can’t connect to the hub. Same issues as reported by other users. The app reports "Cannot find your hub". Attempt to set it up in the app, and you just go around in circles.
I have an engineer/ technician booked for a visit tomorrow. Let’s hope they can fix it as I spend a lot of time working from home.
Realistically, there is nothing more you can do, you have reset it fully and the problem still remains. That would strongly indicate that the hub is faulty and you may have to insist that it be replaced to the tech who comes tomorrow.
You can, sort of, connect on its IP address to the point to getting a login prompt, the fact that it keels over after that, again suggests that the hub has a hardware fault.
Whatever happens, when the tech turns up do not be fobbed off with any sort of, ‘well you have an internet connection so the hub is fine’ excuse, it needs replacing.