WiFi always dropping out on Dell Laptop / MS Teams calls
I have had a problem with a dell laptop in my home which seems to be the only device effected. It seems to always drop out of MS Teams calls when video / screen sharing is occurring. No other device in the house seems to be problematic - phone can have FaceTime calls, stream video, same with MacBook Pro. it only seems to be this dell device. Laptop tells me that the connection is secured (ie is connected to the router) but has no connection to the internet. At the time this happens, my phone in the same room is able to connect to the internet just fine.
What is the problem here? It's driving me nuts. I tried to download the VirginMedia Connect app but it won't let me sign in, so I am unable to test/request any of these WiFi Pods I have seen talked about on the VirginMedia site.
Thanks for any advice.
No it is a MS Teams issue. Teams is totally sensitive to half duplex Wi-Fi with high jitter and latency.
Have you tried a cable connection using a Powerline extender ?